1099s and W9 Forms Explained

What is the use of a W9 form and who needs to issue 1099s? Mira explains the threshold, rules and gives you some tips for collecting data from your vendors. 1099-NEC vs 1099-MISC. What is the due date and when do I need to issue one?

It’s the end of the year and many animal clinics are ramping up to do the year-end physical inventory. Do you have to? Should you? Jimmy Bell will answer questions related to year-end inventory. Tune in to our podcast<https://soundcloud.com/mira-johnson-886161830/episode-11-count-your-inventory>
How to Apply for PPP Loan Forgiveness

Most of the veterinary hospitals already exhausted their PPP loans by now.What is the next step? If you received your PPP loan before June 5, 2020, you have a choice to use 8 weeks period to use the funds or a 24-week period. Those periods are also known as a covered period. If you have […]
When QuickBooks Isn’t Quick.

How many times did you open your QuickBooks file to quickly run payroll, check bank balance or enter a bill, just to find out it’s not going to be quick(Books) after all. An error message popped with the most annoying noise: The payroll can’t be run until the update is installed. The update can’t be […]
Succession Planning

Join us for a short succession planning episode. Jimmy & Mira will walk you through three stepping stones of succession planning. Tune to our podcast here: https://soundcloud.com/mira-johnson-886161830/episode-8-succession-planning
Automation Gets the Job Done

Automation Gets the Job Done

Do you feel overwhelmed with the management side of your business? You shouldn’t have to spend your evenings trying to code bank transactions and worry if your MWI bill is paid. Automate those things! Read more here.
Meals and Entertainment at the Veterinary Clinic – What Are The Changes Under New Tax Law?

Here are some examples to help you understand what is and what isn’t deductible. Cost of a package that includes a ticket to a charity gala event. – The charitable portion is still deductible, rest is considered entertainment and will not be deducted. Show ticket – Going to WVC in Las Vegas it’s always fun. […]
How Will the Recently Passed Tax Laws Effect Your Veterinary Practice – Part 2

We outlined some of the major provisions effecting a veterinary practice in our most recent blog post. Since then, our wise Washington leaders took it upon themselves to reinstate many of the tax credits and deductions that expired December 31, 2016, retroactive back to January 1, 2017. Yes, provisions that went by the wayside over […]
Tell Your Money Where To Go

Main reasons why people don’t do budgets because they find it boring, unnecessary, they don’t have time, find it difficult or lack the confidence in making money-related decisions. Budgeting in 4 steps! Step 1 – Track your expenses – There are two ways to do this. Hard way and easy way! I used to write […]